Stupid spotify

Trying to get spotify to work on my new computer, but that stupid thing doesnt want to work at all i think.. and i'm just getting so tired again, time for bed in a moment i believe.. i know it's not even 8 pm, but what am i supposed to do, feel like an old lady being tired all the time, and it really buggs me that stupid spotify doesnt work.. i wish i had someone who could just sort these things out on my computer, looks like i'm not capable of doing an technical things on my own.. guess Rudolf (yes i named my computer.. no comment necessary..) is only good for the things that actually matter like for example write on my dissertation, and thank god he has been really good with my work.. not like my bloody old computer, may he rest in peace who kept deleting all my work and crashing when i needed him the most.. but whatever he stood by me through good and bad times, the past 4 years, so i'm not gonna talk bad about him behind his back..

by the way i think these meds are making me a bit tipsy, i usually try to keep my special relationships with things like my computers to myself, or maybe for my friends amusements, but not really for the public..



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