Happy graduation day!! :)

All my babies graduated today, so happy for everyone!! It was so much fun seeing everyone go up on state.. Just wish mine would be today as well, kind of sucks that mine is on friday, as everyone will have gone home again by then, and no one will be here to take pictures with.. but it doesnt really matter coz obviously my mum and brother will be here :)
Gonna go out tonight though and celebrate graduating, was meant to get absolutely wasted tonight, as i wasn't meant to work tomorrow, but went to work to say hi, and found out that one of the girls is sick, so will have to do a 9-6 tomorrow.. can't believe that, i mean i love working there, this is the first time i really wish i didn't have to go into work.. but nothing i can do about it, still going out tonight, will just have to live with feeling absolutely sick and tired at work tomorrow..


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