HA that didnt happen..

haha yesterday out did not happen, once again.. Lol went to bed, and try to ignore all the calls i got from people who were out n waiting for me.. i know, i'm sorry people, i was too tired.. At midnight, Niko came to force me out, lol i had just gone to bed, in my pj's, fast asleep.. Had to get up and entertain him.. which, ehrm didn't happen, sorry babe.. I just fell right back asleep when he came, so he had to entertain himself.. Sorry for that.. But after 7 pm, i'm in sleepy mood n not for any use for anyone :p
Been busy all day today, went to town to have coffee with a friend, than we went toys'r'us to find a bday present for my lil nephew, who will be one year the 25th of september.. Can't believe he is already one year, doesn't feel like that, but i guess that's coz i've hardly ever seen him.. :( Now just need to find a present for my dad, and I can send it all off to Sweden..
The rest of the day i been helping Jojo moving her stuff, n cooking for my new housemates.. Made Chicken Calcutta.. My favorite disch.. Yummyy.. Wish it would taste as good as when my mummy makes it, well one day it will..!! :)
Baking a Kladdkaka (sticky chocolate cake for all the non-swedes here..) perfect goodnight food :)


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